Thursday 24 March 2011

Imam of Islam

Imam is a leader, more knowledgeable in handling the folk behind him.

He is the one elder in his deen, in his taqwa, in his ikhlaas,in his akhlaaq, in his purity, verily worthy of guiding others by knowing fiqh.

An imam can be regarded as ulema as well, like Imaam e azam abu hanifah radiallah taala anhu who is the best ulema i.e. in his way of teachings and in his understanding of fiqh in following rasulallah salellahualaihiwasalam.

Like Imam ul ambiyah al-murlsaleen rasulallah salellahualaihiwasalam is the leader of all the prophets including us and verily as described by Allah as ahmed and abdullah.

Imaam deals with fardh al-kifayah, by which he does good to his fellow muslims and follows the message of Allah also spreading it.

He lives for allah, he dies for Allah.


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