Thursday, 21 April 2011

The will of Allah and judgment

The question of will of Allah should be understood with not small resolution of thought and realization.But your view should be expanded , you should come out of your self thoughts which cling to us and forcing not allowing us to understand the truth.

Allah's will is upon everything and it is universal, thus it can be even claimed from Islam that even a leaf moves by wind with the knowledge of Allah and with the will of Allah.But a leaf does not have a day of judgment.A stone for example becomes into dust by the will of Allah.Every single thing is the creation of Allah.And Allah is uncreated.Now you tell me, if everything is Allah's creation.Then who can dare ask Allah what you did is wrong,in fact the truth is that it is Allah's creation and Allah can do whatever he wants with it.Who are we to question?

A human being was not created by Allah and then Allah came to know about that person.Instead it is that Allah knew about you well before you were even created.Now a question arises that Allah's will is on everything.Now why do we have to do good or bad, it is Allah's will how can Allah punish his own will.Or rather say that how can Allah call for judgement of his own will.Or rather you would say that how can Allah punish a person who committed suicide when the ultimate will of a person's death is decided by Allah.Or you will say that how can Allah hate crime but still allow it happen.Or you will say that how can Allah let disbelievers to exist.

Well the question to the above is simply that it is Allah's creation, if Allah wants to put his creation into fire then who is to ask Allah?

If Allah wants to put his creation into the paradise then who is to ask Allah?

But the question is how can we understand it rationally?

A human can raise his arm when he wants.But he will only raise his arm when Allah has provided him the arm on Allah's will.Now once the human is given with the arm, he shall do whatever he can but still with Allah's will.If Allah wills then some accident may happen and he is left with broken arm.Now what he will do with arm either good or bad will be questioned.It is not like Allah is asking you to do bad, instead Allah is asking you to do good.But you are doing bad.So the universal decree is Allah's will but your sub-servant will is also present here.Since it is present, you will be questioned on it.

It is impossible to say that you did not willed.It is highly illogical to say that you did not willed and it is very clear that you willed.This will drag you to be on judgment.

Consider another example, Allah has given you money.Now Allah's will is such that by Allah's will you have given money, by Allah's will you will spend it and by Allah's will you will have return from it.

Now Allah has given you money out of mercy, now you spend it good or bad.Now if you spend it bad, then your will of spending bad.This will be questioned.And the return again depends upon Allah's will.

Any other animal such as a dog or bird or lion or fish do not have the brains to choose between right and wrong, then sustain according to it.Similarly not everyone is rich.Those who are rich will be responsible on how they spend and those who have brains will be responsible on how they use it.For good or for bad.

But Allah's will is universal, it does not mean that there is no will of yours.Your sub-servant will is also present.Everyone i.e. Muslim or non-Muslim all were present before we were born.We all witnessed that Allah is one and attested our self as Muslims.Now here we are being tested really.Since there, we had no will of ours and here we have our will.

This sub-servant will of ours from our brains is vital and drags us to the court of Allah.This life of earth is like the blink of eye you know, the moment we blink we are gone and the rest of the life is after we are raised again.That is the eternal life.Not this one, this life is bound with many hardships and challenges.And syeddina rasulullah salellahualaihiwasalam used to worship Allah and specifically invoke Allah saying that oh Allah do not let me in the hardships which I cannot come winning lawfully.

So hardships, evils are part of this world.If the evils did not existed then what would be the meaning of good then?

Like if darkness did not existed then what would be the use of light then?

The use light is only when there is darkness and if there is no darkness then there is no use of light.

If Allah starts checking our deeds,I don't know yours but mine might not be found with anything good and rely on Allah for my forgiveness.


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