Your involvement in
this world requires that you have a righteous intention [niyya saliha],
otherwise you deserve to be viewed with
disgust. In all your affairs and undertakings you must
say: "There is no power, nor is there any strength, except through
Allah, the High, the Almighty." You should set aside one hour for your
interests, one hour for your interest in the hereafter,
one hour for your personal concerns, and one hour for the benefit of
your family, then dedicate all the remaining hours to your Lord
(Almighty and Glorious is He). You
must concentrate first of all on the cleanliness
[tahara] of your heart, for this is an obligatory duty [farida]. Then
turn your attention to deeper knowledge [ma'rifa]. If you miss the
root, your preoccupation with the
branch will not be accepted of you. there is no benefit
in cleanliness of the physical parts of the body combined with
defilement of the heart. You must cleanse your physical limbs and
organs by following the Sunna, and
your heart by putting the Qur'an into practice. Take
care of your heart, so that your physical body will be taken care of.
Every vessel exudes its own contents. Whatever is in your heart will
ooze out from you
through your physical parts
A disclosure of Shaykh abdul qadir al jilani rahimullah alai from jalal al -khawatir, al-baz publication.
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